Composer: Stefan Wolpe
Artists: Chr. Biebrach, Horst Neumann, NDR Choir, W. Zerer
Genre: Choral
Themes: Intense, Religious, Restless, Tense
Duration: 0:07:14
ISRC: DEP629601601
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genre: Choral = 15 tracks
Composer: Stefan Wolpe
Artists: Chr. Biebrach, Horst Neumann, NDR Choir, W. Zerer
Genre: Choral
Themes: Intense, Religious, Restless, Tense
Duration: 0:07:14
ISRC: DEP629601601
Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Artists: Christine Cairns, Czech Philharmonic Choir, Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, Víctor Pablo Pérez
Genre: Choral, Orchestral, Vocal
Themes: Climactic, Danger, Darkness, Death, Disaster, Dramatic, Fear, Frightening, Funeral, Haunting, Intense, Mysterious, Power, Tense, Tragic, War
ISRC: DEP629502062
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Artists: Andreas Wagner, Aurelius Sängerknaben Calw, Bach-Ensemble der Europa Chor Akademie, Joshard Daus, Polnische Kammerphilharmonie Sopot
Genre: Choral
Themes: Bouncy, Dramatic, Frightening, Intense, Loud, Power, Religious
Duration: 0:02:23
ISRC: DEP620001151
Composer: Trienter Codices
Artists: Clemencic Consort, René Clemencic
Genre: Choral
Themes: Beautiful, Flowing, Glory, Intense, Playful, Religious
Duration: 0:06:29
ISRC: DEP629700805
Composer: Adrian Willaert
Artists: Andreas Hoffmann, Claus Bantzer, Günter Kochan, Harvestehude Chamber Choir, Marcus Stäbler, Thomas Lühr
Genre: Choral
Themes: Aching, Beautiful, Delicate, Ethereal, Haunting, Intense, Mysterious, Religious, Serene
Duration: 0:04:10
ISRC: DEP629800758