Composer: Trienter Codices
Artists: Clemencic Consort, René Clemencic
Genre: Choral
Themes: Beautiful, Flowing, Glory, Intense, Playful, Religious
Duration: 0:06:29
ISRC: DEP629700805
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All Results = 206 tracks
Composer: Trienter Codices
Artists: Clemencic Consort, René Clemencic
Genre: Choral
Themes: Beautiful, Flowing, Glory, Intense, Playful, Religious
Duration: 0:06:29
ISRC: DEP629700805
Composer: Henri Dutilleux (Composer)
Artists: Hans Graf (Conductor), Orchestre National Bordeaux Aquitaine (Performer)
Genre: Orchestral
Themes: Adventurous, Bravery, Danger, Determination, Exciting, Intense, Restless, Tense
Duration: 0:00:59
ISRC: DEP620400102
Composer: Olivier Messiaen (Composer)
Artists: Martin Zehn (Piano)
Genre: Piano
Themes: Anger, Arrival, Bravery, Climactic, Defiant, Determination, Fanfare, Grand, Intense, Majestic, Power, Religious, Strength, Triumphant
Duration: 0:07:16
ISRC: DEP620200495
Composer: Benjamin Britten
Artists: Claus Bantzer, Harvestehude Chamber Choir
Genre: Choral
Themes: Intense, Mysterious, Religious, Tense
Duration: 0:03:48
ISRC: DEP629501807
Composer: Peter Illych Tchaikovsky
Artists: Arkady Sevidov, Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Samuel Friedmann
Genre: Orchestral, Piano
Themes: Beautiful, Busy, Impatience, Intense, Mysterious, Triumphant
Duration: 0:25:27
ISRC: DEP629800910