Composer: Franz Liszt
Artists: Stefan Johannes Bleicher
Genre: Organ
Themes: Delicate, Hopeful, Melancholic, Sad, Serene, Slow, Soothing
Duration: 00:03:54
ISRC: DEP629800359
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All Results = 153 tracks
Composer: Franz Liszt
Artists: Stefan Johannes Bleicher
Genre: Organ
Themes: Delicate, Hopeful, Melancholic, Sad, Serene, Slow, Soothing
Duration: 00:03:54
ISRC: DEP629800359
Composer: Georg Philipp Telemann
Artists: Andrius Goudaitis, Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg, Gregor Sigl, Helge Rosenkranz, Jürgen Geise, Seung Hee Yang
Genre: Orchestral, Violin
Themes: Aching, Delicate, Depression, Determination, Lament, Loneliness, Melancholic, Sad, Slow
Duration: 00:01:45
ISRC: DEP629501265
Composer: Walther von der Vogelweide
Artists: Ensemble Perceval
Genre: Song / Lieder, Vocal
Themes: Darkness, Lament, Languorous, Sad, Slow
Duration: 0:05:18
ISRC: DEP629800821
Composer: Steve Reich
Artists: Bradley Lubman, Ensemble Modern
Genre: Chamber
Themes: Beautiful, Curiosity, Playful, Pulsating, Restless, Sad, Tense
Duration: 0:04:43
ISRC: USBC19801618
Composer: Guillaume de Machaut
Artists: Clemencic Consort, Ensemble Nova, Polifonica Lucchese e Capella Santa Cecilia, René Clemencic
Genre: Instrumental
Themes: Aching, Death, Depression, Haunting, Lament, Languorous, Sad, Slow
Duration: 0:02:58
ISRC: DEP620100431