Composer: Brahms
Artists: Alun Francis, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
Genre: Orchestral
Themes: Adventurous, Bravery, Curiosity, Determination, Fanfare
ISRC: DEP629600450
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All Results = 95 tracks
Composer: Brahms
Artists: Alun Francis, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi
Genre: Orchestral
Themes: Adventurous, Bravery, Curiosity, Determination, Fanfare
ISRC: DEP629600450
Composer: Franz Liszt
Artists: Stefan Johannes Bleicher
Genre: Organ
Themes: Bravery, Determination, Ethereal, Fanfare, Glory, Grand, Majestic, Triumphant
Duration: 00:14:00
ISRC: DEP629800380
Composer: Richard Strauss
Artists: Günther Herbig, Saarbrücken Radio Symphony Orchestra
Genre: Orchestral
Themes: Adventurous, Bravery, Climactic, Defiant, Dramatic, Exhilarating, Fanfare, Glory, Grand, Lively, Majestic, Power, Pride, Strength, Thrilling, Triumphant
Duration: 0:17:12
ISRC: DEP629501206
Composer: Joaquín Turina
Artists: Adrian Leaper, Ana Rodrigo, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria
Genre: Orchestral, Vocal
Themes: Cheerful, Exciting, Fanfare, Grand, Majestic
Duration: 0:05:38
ISRC: DEP629601169
Composer: Ludwig van Beethoven
Artists: Ensemble Of Tokyo, Hiroshi Gunji, Tokyo Oratorio Society, Wolfdieter Maurer
Genre: Choral, Orchestral
Themes: Adventurous, Beautiful, Bravery, Climactic, Delicate, Exhilarating, Fanfare, Grand, Loud, Majestic, Passion, Pride, Pulsating, Triumphant
Duration: 0:10:11
ISRC: DEP629502090